Greenhouse Effect: The Most Common Contributions To Climate Change

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Recent years, the climate change has become the topic of concern for everyone. The melt of the ice snow ice and the rise of sea-level are the effect of climate change. The most common factor that contributes to climate change is greenhouse effect. Greenhouse effect is a process where the solar radiation is absorbed by the Earth’s surface and some of the heat is trap by the greenhouse gases in the atmosphere (Kandel, 1990). This phenomenon has warm and increase the temperature of the Earth’s surface. There is 5 steps how the greenhouse effect happen which are solar radiation passes through the atmosphere, solar radiation is absorbed by the Earth’s surface, solar radiation is reflected by the Earth and the atmosphere, some of the infrared radiation is absorbed by the greenhouse gas molecule and radiation is converted to heat energy and warms the Earth (refer to figure 1 in Appendix 1). Firstly, the solar radiation passes through the atmosphere. According to Briney every solar radiation from the sun…show more content…
According to Wuebbles and Edmonds (1991), greenhouse gases are strong absorbers of infrared radiation compared to solar radiation. The amount of infrared radiation that trapped by greenhouse gases can warm the Earth more than the direct amount of solar radiation (Wuebbles & Edmonds, 1991) (**pg13). The cycle of absorption-emission of greenhouse gas molecules will keep the heat energy around lower atmosphere and then warms the original cold Earth’s surface to sustain life (“Greenhouse gases”, n.d.). This phenomenon is called as greenhouse effect. Greenhouse effect plays a vital role in the Earth’s climate which means the temperature of the Earth is changing with the cycle of greenhouse effect. Nevertheless, the increasing of emission of greenhouse gases which caused by human activities lead to stronger greenhouse effect and then occurrence of global warming has become a critical issue to

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