Gareth Purnell: A Passion For History

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Gareth Purnell is a Texan with a passion for history, family, and faith. With a strong family upbringing, extraordinary accomplishments, and heroic role models evidently propel Gareth to pursue history and theology majors. Primarily focusing on the decision to pursue a history major, he believes a history major is vital and exclaims it to be the most important major saying: “We should recognize the history to learn and form relationships from past mistakes.” Gareth intends for the history major to make a smooth transition into law school. In order for that to happen, he acknowledges he must recognize studying history will help him become the person he is called to be: from growth in relationships to the recognition and fixation of mistakes. As family and faith brought him to Franciscan to pursue his future, history will shape the growth of greatness he strives daily. Gareth’s maturity and politeness shine through the interview reigning topics from mixed martial arts to the Socratic era of Ancient Greece.…show more content…
His father, Simon, immigrated to the United States as a former British Royal Naval Officer to become a lawyer, then meeting Gareth’s mother, Christina, a pediatrician. Eighteen years pass by, Gareth's athletic stature of six feet, with long, flowing brown hair walks around this campus with a confident swagger. As the oldest of five siblings, Gareth remains devoutly Catholic along with the rest of his immediate family. He resided in Texas of his whole life with a brief stint in Chicago at the age of fifteen. Gareth’s family sculpted him to pursue rigorous, academic thought and various extracurricular activities. His passion, besides learning history, is the practice of mixed martial

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