French Revolution Dbq Analysis

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The events which unfolded in Europe during the 18th century had a profound impact on not just Europe but also the world. For instance, the events which transpired during the French revolution also inspired the Haitian revolution. Also, the mercantilist economy in France drove the Atlantic System and the slave trade as well. These events which occurred during the 18th century affected not only France, but it also had an impact on the world. We can learn many things about European history from listening to the voices of men and women who lived in an entirely different part of the world. What we can learn is the effect of a mercantilist economy and its drive on the Atlantic system, the inspiration the French revolution had on the world – such…show more content…
It was most aptly put in Document 5 of Slave Revolution in the Caribbean that, “The Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen has awakened the colonists of color to their past condition…The citizens of color are clearly as qualified as the whites to demand this representation.” (Dubois, 2006, p. 69) It is clear from this quote that the inspiration the Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen had a profound impact on how the slaves in the Caribbean saw themselves. They realized that if the citizens of France were given rights, that they too should be entitled to those rights. This realization drove part of the Haitian revolution and inspired the idea of human rights. It is mentioned again in Document 5 that, “All France has hastened to support the king’s benevolent plans; citizens of all classes have been called to the great work of public regeneration; all have contributed to…defending their rights and set forth their interests.” (Dubois, 2006, p. 68) This again shows how the ideas of the French revolution had a global impact especially on the slaves of the Haitian…show more content…
On close examination, it becomes even more evident that both revolutions started out by asking for equal rights among citizens and led over time to the use of terror and bloodshed to obtain these rights. For example, the Mason book states that the French revolution started out with asking “…for rather moderate reforms of the judicial, tax, and seigneurial systems and were not on the whole revolutionary.” (Mason, 2015, p. 25) However, eventually the idea of more radical changes was instilled. As the threats of both counterrevolution and foreign war plagued France, the more radical notions of the revolution began to emerge. This is noted in Mason’s book when he writes “…the Terror, repond[ed] to both internal enemies and the threat of foreign invasion… Overall, about forty thousand people perished during the Terror.” (Mason, 2015, p. 29) Similar events unfolded in Haiti when the Parasian free colored appealed to the National Assembly asking for equal rights. Since not all slaves were granted the right to be free, it was noted in Document 4 of Slave Revolution in the Caribbean that “…we negres are numerous, and we want to die for this liberty; for we want it and plan to get it at whatever price, even with the use of mortars, cannons, and rifles.” (Dubois, 2006, p. 65) The slaves of the Haitian revolution began to get desperate just as the French had. This also had

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