Flannery O 'Connor's Good Country People'

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“Good Country People” by Flannery O’Connor Book Review O'Connor's work, 'Good Country People’ concentrates around the subjects: good versus evil, cruelty, and pretense. The story is fragmented into four unique sections which aid emphasis on the connections among the four core characters. This braking up of story sections by O'Connor enables her build slight mismatches between Pointer and Mrs. Freeman, and between Mrs. Hopewell and Hulga. The mismatches also give features that stress the diverse facets of the individual characters. For instance, in order to create parallels between Mrs. Freeman and Manley Pointer the author uses Hulga's "enlightenment" day, while the parallels existing between Hulga and Mrs. Hopewell, she takes us back to the…show more content…
Hopewell, she has no alternative but to ultimately accept it due to her lameness and the physician’s view that her daughter will not live beyond forty due to state of her heart; in addition, her daughter has been withdrawn from participation in a dance and engaging in a "normal good…show more content…
Hopewell likes attitude toward the Freeman and her girls (she see them as finest girls) as opposed to her dislike to Hulga (she dislike the name Hulga, and her lifestyle.) further worsens it. It makes Hulga’s feeling regarding the Guyanese and Caramel is repulsive. Hulga nickname them "Glycerin" (oily) and "Caramel" (clammy). Hulga deeply need to be tolerated but Mrs. Hopewell is completely insensible, this desire can be attributed to say "If you want me, here I am — LIKE I AM.” Hulga pulls out due to her mother’s misconception of her lifestyle; she makes a decision not to make an effort of any significant relationship with her mother. O'Connor presents, in highly practical terms, the appearance of Manley insincere Bible seller. Manley, just like other peddlers, is accustomed with the cunning words used to convince a buyer; furthermore, with his hidden intuition, he easily manipulates Mrs. Hopewell to his advantage. Pointer seduces Hulga, but Hulga denies having emotions. Manley spots her factual weakness: intellectual self-respect. In her argument, Hulga anticipates to display both love and Christianity as merely insincere cover for false love and fairy tale respectively. Christianity, though it is Manley faith is illusive according to

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