Figurative Language In A Midsummer Night's Dream

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In A Midsummer Night’s Dream, William Shakespeare portrays Egeus as a desirous of possessing person obeyed by the society world. Shakespeare hastily demonstrates to the reader his description of possessing in his “Full of vexation come I, with complaint……” soliloquy (I.II. 22-45), showing the readers a man caught up with a desire of possessing. Shakespeare set this soliloquy tremendously early in the play with the use of the imagery and word usage to show the readers the result of being possessive will turn out as the story unfolds. Shakespeare set the soliloquy early in the play showing a hidden crucial meaning for Egeus. The placement of the soliloquy is portraying Egeus, father of Hermia, that he is like a shield protecting the person wielding it in this case that person would be Hermia. For an example, when a person is attacking another person during a battle, the reflex of the defending person is to shield yourself, so you won’t get hurt. However, using the shield redundantly won’t make you overcome the battle. Occasionally dropping the…show more content…
In the soliloquy, Shakespeare uses one of the literary devices repetition by having Egeus tends to use the word “My”. This piece of evidence shows that Egeus wants his child and the noble duke belonging to him. Egeus is greatly showing that his child belongs to him and thus she must obey him. Egeus is no longer treating Hermia as his own child anymore. In the soliloquy, it mentions that he may dispose her because Hermia is Egeus’s child. The word “Dispose” shows that Egeus is treating Hermia as a slave. Egeus can do whatever he wants to the child as far as killing the child if she does not listen to him. Though Hermia is Egeus’ daughter, he is controlling her thinking that it is best for the child to die than let her marry with

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