Fences Troy Maxson Character Analysis

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Rose and Women in the 1950s Set in the 1950s, “Fences” portrays a story of a black American community and specifically opens the audience to Troy Maxson’s family’s dynamics. Troy, a philandering, has-been of a baseball player, is married to Rose. Rose, a key character in this play, embodies the typical woman of the 1950s. The play itself seems to marginalize women to some extent. Rose is the only major female character, and much of the time she takes second place to the main action involving her husband Troy and other male characters. Critics have often remarked that she appears limited to the domestic role that was generally expected of black women in the 1950s being a good wife and mother, and looking after the house.However,she does not let Troy walk all over her; she forever calls him on his “jerky ways”. Once he makes inappropriate sexual remarks ahead of company, she…show more content…
Once Troy's mistress Alberta dies in parturition, Troy begs Rose to be a mother to the female descendant. Rose tells her husband: “I’ll take care of your baby for you...cause...she innocent...and you can't visit the sins of the father upon the child. A motherless child had got a hard time....From right now this child got a mother. But you a womanless…show more content…
The right mother was purported to keep home and nurture thus society would settle for them. A diligent lady of the house had dinner on the table exactly at the instant her husband arrived from work. A woman was a "good" woman provided that she administrated her man's each order and united with him on everything. In fact, though she wished to voice associate opinion, he education, or rather lack of thence wouldn't permit

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