Euthyphro's Dilemma Research Paper

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Euthyphro’s Dilemma In this paper, I will describe Euthyphro’s dilemma, and defend one horn of his dilemma Moral Realism, which is “piety exists before gods’ love, and it is independent of gods’ love”. As described in the Greek philosopher Plato’s text “Five Dialogues”, Euthyphro met Socrates in front of the king-archon’s court when Euthyphro had to prosecute his father for murdering a murder. At the meantime, Socrates was accused by Meletus of corrupting the youth and not believing the gods. Euthyphro and Socrates were debating on the argument and relationship between piety and gods’ love, known as the Euthyphro’s dilemma, which is essentially the problem about divine command theory and moral realism. Since Euphyphro is a religious prophet,…show more content…
An Atheist is some one who lacks belief in the existence of God or gods. Most of Atheists are objective and believe the power of sciences. If we bring in the idea of divine command theory, in which “things are pious because of gods’ love”, we can easily find the fact that it is not always true. Throughout history, religion is one of the reasons why people were killed. If gods’ love leads to piety, can we say killing people of different beliefs is considered to be pious? During the Renaissance Period, the Italian philosopher and mathematician Giordano Bruno was executed because he defended and developed the idea of Heliocentrism and fundamental of science. If the Roman Catholic Church followed God’s teaching, and they burnt Bruno at the stake because God disliked his idea, was this action considered to be pious? However, this is the darkest time in history, and nothing pious was done in this period of time. Wars, diseases, and poverty almost destroyed the civilizations. Therefore, even though gods love certain things, it does not necessarily mean they are pious. People of different religions fight against each other because of different believes of gods. On the other hand, when the church no longer has the power to manipulate the governments and military in the western world, instead, democracy and freedom has brought more prosperity and happiness to most people. Thus, piety exists regardless of gods’

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