Ethics In The Maxed Out Video

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According to the text book, ethics is defined as “to the set of principles and standards that determine acceptable or unacceptable conduct in life and in business organizations”. The problem with ethics is that everyone’s acceptable or unacceptable conduct is different. In this video there was a lot of unethical behavior. The government, creditors, and the customers in the Maxed Out video had unethical conduct. All of them only thought about the gains at the time, not everything else that went along with that. No one broke any laws, but they did not necessarily do the right thing. The government has been developing a deficit for decades and borrowing from the Social Security as the movie explained. How is this ethical; that our government has to borrow from our social security over the years without changing anything to pay them back? I think it is unethical to borrow money without knowing how to pay it back. Our government is acquiring debit every second of the day, but has no idea or plan to pay it back. This is not acceptable conduct in life, business, or in government. This makes what is happening right now in our government unethical.…show more content…
This, to me, goes against the moral rights ethical theory that is in chapter four of the textbook. Moral rights theory stated in the text book says that “people have inherent rights that should be respected”. Creditors are going against this morally theory by not respecting their clients. Even though the clients are being unethical by buying something that they cannot pay for their bill, I still think even though one part of the business relationship is being unethical, the other part should not become unethical

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