Ethical Veterinary Practices

1999 Words8 Pages
Introduction Veterinary practices are challenged every day with the responsibilities to the animals within their care. They are obliged to follow all veterinary laws that are put in place but may receive conflicting demands from clients every day. With knowledge of Animal welfare growing and the pet industry becoming larger veterinary practices are faced with complex ethical challenges (B. Rollin, 2006). Legal Obligations and Ethical Conduct of Veterinary Staff All staff within each practice have to follow certain legal obligations and some form of ethical conduct, it varies for each position. The Code of Professional Conduct states the responsibilities for each member of staff (Veterinary surgeons, Vet nurses, Auxiliary nurses, Student Nurses,…show more content…
They are unable to make any diagnostics and are not allowed to prescribe any medication to any client unless with full permission from the Veterinary Surgeon (RCVS, 2013). Veterinary Students need to perform certain procedures as part of their clinical training, they are allowed; in accordance to the Veterinary Surgeons (Practice by Students) (Amendment) Regulations 1993, to carry out diagnostic tests, administer treatment, and perform surgical operations all under the guidance, direction and supervision of a Veterinary Surgeon (RCVS, 2013). Physiotherapists are allowed to give treatment to an animal but only if it has been seen by a Veterinary Surgeon first and he/she has decided that the animals condition can be treated with physiotherapy under their direction, this includes all kinds of therapy such as otseotherapy and chiropractic treatment (RCVS, 2013). Application of Animal Euthanasia and the Role of the Bereavement…show more content…
It also allows the puppy to associate with the veterinary practice so they do not fear it when it comes to medical treatment. It allows owners to ask questions and consult with other owners and veterinarians to get a better understanding of healthcare and welfare (H. Mcleod 2008). • Weight management clinics: - This type of clinic allows the owner to gain better knowledge on the correct nutritional requirements for their pet. These classes are designed to help pets lose weight safely but it can be difficult to educate the owners because of the companion bond they have with their pet so veterinarians need to make it easy and fun for the owner and animal to have more compliance (H. Mcleod

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