Essay On Why Athletes Need To Be Properly Hydrated

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To perform at their best level an athlete needs to be properly hydrated. Athletes who don’t hydrate well enough prior to competition fatigue at a faster rate, experience faintness, and will have a faster rise in core temperature. Although not hydrating enough poses a problem to athletes, drinking an excessive amount of liquids also can be an issue. Frequent need to urinate may disrupt the athlete if competing as well as risk of hyponatremia if there isn’t enough sodium in an athlete’s diet. A plan to ensure an athlete is properly hydrated prior to competition is to ensure proper fluid intake about 24 hours prior. Drinking fluids 1-2 hours prior to competition can improve thermoregulation and lower heart rate during exercise. Drinking…show more content…
Replacing fluids and other nutrients is key for allowing the body to function at an optimal level and restoring many of its processes, such as thermoregulatory and metabolic activities. Ideally, drinking about 16-24 ounces of fluid for every pound of body weight loss during exercise would enhance recovery. If bodyweight can’t be measured post-exercise, then urine color can be an indicator of whether an athlete is properly hydrated. Unfortunately, the latter has been found to not be the best indicator of an athlete’s hydration after exercise, so the best method for an athlete to ensure that he or she is replenishing lost nutrient is to follow guidelines of proper post-exercise nutrition. Carbohydrates are sugars, fibers and starches that are found in fruits, vegetables, grains, and dairy products. They are made up of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen, which are formed by plants through photosynthesis and contain 4 calories per gram. Carbohydrates serve as the body’s primary energy source and are the only source of energy that fuels the glycolytic system. Carbs also prevent protein catabolism in the body, sparing muscle tissue, and decreasing gluconeogenesis, which can be harmful to lean body

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