Erik Fisher's Suicides

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Intimidation Erik Fisher is an example of what happens when parents don’t teach their kids right from wrong. He was headed for trouble in fifth grade when he and his friends vandalized the neighborhood but the terror really started when he tortured his poor kindergarten brother, Paul, and terminated his eyesight. That was the day that Erik Fisher discovered he could get away with just about anything without punishment from his parents. In fact, they even hid his actions from Paul so that he wouldn’t be mad at his brother for what he had done. Honestly, is there any way the scenario could end in anything but murder? Now that Erik is in high school, and the star football player, his parents lavish his with attention even more. He’s been spoiled by power, so if anyone challenges it he becomes furious, and gets revenge. He feels entitled to hurt whoever he wants to and anyone who gets on his bad side is next on the chopping block. Of course, most of the real violence in done by his sidekicks. Erik’s current sidekick is Arthur Bauer, who steals from neighbors and murders Luis. As Erik puts it, “Arthur takes care of all my light work.”…show more content…
The same goes for his family members. He values his parents, since they worship him, but Paul is nothing. Erik never talks to him, unless he is taunting or threatening him and the only time we ever see any kind of brotherly connection is the moment after Erik smacks Tino in the face. Paul looks up at him and says, “I was surprised by what I saw. It wasn’t hatred, or even anger. It was more like sorrow. Or fear.” It seems like Erik finally realized that his blind brother might actually be his

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