Dietrich Bonhoeffer Research Paper

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Dietrich Bonhoeffer was a Protestant Lutheran Pastor, Theologian, and an active member of the German resistance to the policies of Hitler and Nazism. Bonhoeffer was born on February 4, 1906 in Breslau, Poland, now known as Wroclaw Poland. He was born into a large family. His father, Karl Bonhoeffer was a psychiatrist and a neurologist. Karl was married to Dietrich’s mother, Paula Bonhoeffer, nee von Hase. She was a teacher. The Bonhoeffer family had eight children. Dietrich and his twin sister, Sabine, were the six and seventh out of the eight children. Dietrich Bonhoeffer was an excellent academic theologian. At the Protestant Faculty of Theology of the University of Tubingen, Bonhoeffer completed his Staatsexamen, which is the equivalent to both a master’s degree, and a bachelor degree. From Berlin University, Bonhoeffer went on to receive his Doctor of Theology Degree. He graduated summa cum laude, which are Latin honors, in 1927. Then he went on to complete his second doctorate known as Habilitation. He was then made a Privatdozent of Berlin University in 1929. He completed all of this before the age of 25. Bonhoeffer was too young to be ordained, being only 24, so he traveled to America for post graduate study in 1930. He taught Fellowship at New York City’s Union…show more content…
However, Natzification of the churches was accepted by the reorganized Protestant churches and the newly established Nazi-submissive German Evangelical Church. The churches had been state churches until 1918, which resulted in them being greatly influenced by nationalism and their traditional obedience to state authority. This resulted in the passing of the Aryan paragraph by the nation church synod in Wittenberg. This paragraph prohibited non-Aryans from taking parish posts. Because this paragraphs’ racist policy, Bonhoeffer refused a parish position offered to

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