Desiree: A Fictional Narrative

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“You are going to fall on your face.” Desiree laughed remaining focused on her crane pose. A few hours after parting ways with Cameron, she couldn't get him off her mind. She was doing the only thing she knew of to get her wandering mind in check. “Go on a second date with him.” “He's my boss.” “Well at least you know he isn't cheap.” “You know I'm not ready for that right now.” “You've been putting off dating for almost two years.” “And I've never been happier.” “You can't let one bad apple keep you from dating” “You're dinner is burning.” “It's not burning.” “Then why is their smoke coming from your oven?” “I'll be right back.” Priscella hopped off the sofa and ran in the kitchen. Desiree laughed, her battery was low on her phone, so she…show more content…
He needed to find another way to relax at night. After his last relationship eneded, he threw himself in his work, and he would usually have a glass of whiskey next to the stack of paperwork he was reading. He still couldn't figure out why he was so mesmerized by Desiree. She was the exact opposite of his ex, and the one day he spent with her was so perfect. The way she laughed, her sensitivity... It sounded crazy to him, but it was as if she simply fell from the sky. How could it take a year to notice a year? Maybe he had seen her before, but he was too wrapped up in the woman he was dating to notice…show more content…
Her manager still wasn't in the office, and the receptionist said he was running late. Jasmine was talking to Cameron trying to find out where she should send Desiree. He had a client in his office, and Jasmine didn't want to interrupt him, but the Desiree didn't have a clue what to do next. A few minutes later, Jasmine came out the office more confident. “Cameron spoke with your manager, and he says he won't be in today.” “Okay.” Desiree said, slugging her shoulders. She really wanted to start work today. “He wants me to show you where you new office if. He also said you need to fill out this packet and take it to human resources.” “Where is the human resources department?” “It's on the same floor as your office.” Jasmine nodded towards the elevator. Desiree breathed a sigh of relief and followed. “Tiana is the receptionist for your floor. She took the day off, but when she comes back to work she can help you with anything you need...It's odd Cameron asked you to start work today when so many people are taking the day off in your department. “I'm a fast learner, so I should have too many problems.” “Well, today if you need anything come get me. I'll help you out with any general

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