Descriptive Essay On Cabelas

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A Trip to Cabela’s I cannot help but scowl at the frozen air and overcast skies as I get out of the warm car. Still falling snowflakes drift lazily to the crowded parking lot. I wrap my arms about myself to ward off the chill that is slowly seeping into me. My gaze wanders towards the large building, the reason that my younger brother and I made the icy drive. No doubt it is impressive, a colossal log cabin looking over the entrance to Utah Valley. “Cabela’s” set in large, green letters along the front of the building above a spacious awning leading to the front doors. “So what makes this place special again?” I ask. “It’s pretty freaking amazing Bro,” my brother Nate answers. “It’s like the biggest sports store in the world or some crap like that.” He put his fluffy yellow coat on and started walking towards the entrance not looking to see if I was following. I watched him as he made his way to the store thinking how, in his yellow puffy jacket, he looks like a dwarf version of Big Bird. I wonder to myself who is more intelligent, my brother or Big Bird? On one hand Big Bird can count to ten, and knows the difference between a vowel and a consonant.…show more content…
I preoccupy myself with clearing the snow off of my flip flops, which in hindsight was poor footwear for a winter’s day. Finally satisfied with my shoe situation, I look around instantly struck at the grandiose sight in front of me. From the front of the massive store, I can see a makeshift mountain built to showcase the different breeds of taxidermy animals on display. An Alaskan Bush Plane hung from the ceiling with the prop spinning. Trophies animals line almost every wall. One side of the store is clearly dedicated to firearm and hunting. While the other side displays fishing and boating merchandise. It is an outdoorsman’s paradise, and there in front of me is my stupid brother with a stupid grin on his stupid

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