Death Of A Salesman Biff Essay

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In the play “Death of a Salesman”, the character Biff plays a large role in demonstrating the larger theme of the play. Arthur Miller uses the character of Biff to enable the reader to better see the dreams of Willy. The extreme difference of Biff’s personality to rest of the character’s in the play, highlights the interesting qualities and values within the Loman family. In addition, Biff’s unique backstory helps the reader to dig even deeper into Willy’s own backstory. Arthur Miller, uses the character of Biff Loman to create a dynamic difference of desires, as well as, to highlight “the american dream.” Within the play, the reader is first introduced to Biff as a disappointment. Willy is constantly and consistently disappointed with how Biff has lived his life. Biff hasn’t held a solid or “good” job and blows in and out of the Loman’s house. Willy wants him to become a well respected and well liked salesmen. As the play…show more content…
Biff is the first born son of Willy and Linda Loman. He is pretty lost about who he is and what he really wants to do. He moves from job to job and then after failing visits home. “Biff: I tell ya, Hap, I don’t know what the future is. I don’t know — what I’m supposed to want.” (1.12.) In addition, he is set on telling the truth and uncovering a realistic perspective. This is very much different from Willy and Happy who both like to play things up and pretend to be doing better that they actually are. One can see this especially play out in the Loman boys dinner. Happy wants to lie to Willy about what happened in the meeting, while Biff wants to tell him the truth. In the end, we see Biff is ultimately different from his family in exactly that. Biff recognizes his failures and confronts it. “BIFF (crying, broken): Will you let me go, for Christ’s sake? Will you take that phony dream and burn it before something happens?”(2. 99.) Willy refuses

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