Cultural Norm In Tiger's Bride, By Angela Carter

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Throughout history fairy tales have been an intrinsic part of society. They display the values of the community that the tale originated from. As time goes on societal values change and so must the fairy tales. An example of this is “Beauty and the Beast” There have been at least three versions of this story. They each reflect the cultural norms at the time they were adapted such as . The three versions I will be writing about are the original story by Jeanne-Marie LePrince de Beaumont, the movie adaptation directed by Gary Trousdale, and the “Tiger’s Bride” by Angela Carter. Roses are a recurring symbol in all the adaptations is the. The rose represents the dynamic of the relationship between to characters. In the original the rose represents the relationship between Beauty and her father. When the father was wandering through Beast’s castle he picks a rose for his daughter, the beast demands one of his daughters. This act transforms the relationship of Beauty and her father. It makes her go in his place and this shows that you should not overstep your bounds…show more content…
In the beginning of her narration she describes her father as she talks down ill about her father “I watched with the furious cynicism peculiar to women whom circumstances force mutely to witness folly, while my father, fired in his desperation by more and more draughts of the firewater they call ‘grappa”, rids himself of the last scraps of my inheritance.” (Carter). As she is thinking this, she has a rose in her hand that she pulls petals off. With each petal that falls the love she has for her father turns into contempt. This teaches men that if they don’t treat their daughters with the proper care they will learn to despise you and leave you. Carter made this change because in the other two version the father is loved by their daughters and are seen as not needing to fix their

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