Critical Analysis Of Urban Sprawl

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Analysis Discussion Analysis with regards to survey: After conducting research from various sources, it has come to my attention that there is a lack of knowledge on Urban Sprawl and what Urban Sprawl is actually defined as. 60% of the community members did not actually know was Urban Sprawl was. Results also confirmed that Urban Sprawl has an impact on the environment as 100% of the members who answered the questionnaire said that it does in fact have an impact (please refer to question 2 on page 4 and as seen below). Along with 100% of the members saying that Urban Sprawl has an impact on the environment, 100% of the community members said that it does in fact have a negative impact on the environment. Besides for the fact…show more content…
Another 40% said that their community in fact feels safer due to the high volume of houses and people living in a small area and other reasons such as sinkholes and potholes occurring on residential roads due to the fact that the road is not substantial to support the amount of traffic. In conjunction with the environmental impact Urban Sprawl has, 60% of the community members said their wildlife- which includes squirrels, bird species and so forth- in the area has been negatively impacted as the wildlife in this area has decreased as a result of Urban Sprawl. The Impact of trees being cut down covered 20% of the rest of the results for that question (please refer to question 5 page 5 and as seen…show more content…
As seen in the photograph, high-rise buildings have been built by random and in spontaneous regions/ zones. It is evident that there is a lack of land zoning as residential areas and industry are not zoned but are rather in the same regions as each other. One reason for this random set up is due to Urban Sprawl. The demand for land in the urban areas is so great and the land cannot accommodate for the rural-urban migration that has occurred. A density analysis shows that one third of the population (1.45 million inhabitants) is concentrated in 5% of the urban area (87〖km〗^2), with a residential density of 16,000 inhabitants per 〖km〗^2 (Spatial Development Framework

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