Cpr Persuasive Speech Outline

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Oral Presentation Detailed Outline - Plan A CPR should be made a compulsory subject in all public and private universities. Introduction Background CPR stands for Cardiopulmonary resuscitation which is a lifesaving technique useful in numerous emergencies. CPR should be used whenever someone is not breathing and when their heart is not beating. Thesis Statement: Although some argue that CPR classes should not be mandatory due to high costs of implementing the equipment and the need of experienced teachers to perform CPR thus adding to costs, CPR should be made a compulsory subject in all public and private universities because training will increase the number of people ready to respond to sudden cardiac arrest. Body Paragraph 1-…show more content…
Well Trained people especially university students could also respond to cardiac arrests at universities, homes, schools and any other public places like malls, health centres or even family events. Supporting detail (b): The American Heart Association states that “emergency medical personnel respond to nearly 300,000 out-of-hospital cardiac arrests in the United States annually, so CPR can help save many of these victims’ lives” Supporting detail (c): People who are well trained and know how to react in situtions where there are cardiac arrests can cause the usage of CPR to double or maybe even triple survival rates from cardiac arrest. However at the moment about 30 percent of those outside hospitals suffer sudden cardiac arrest receive any type of CPR. Body Paragraph 2 - Pro argument #2 Topic sentence 2: CPR is much more likely to be successful when CPR is started quickly, and witnesses interfere therefore CPR should be mandatory in all public and private universities. Supporting detail (a): CPR is an important life skill that everyone should learn and practice as well in emergency…show more content…
Justin Maloney, a physician at the Ottawa Hospital and medical director of the Advanced Coronary Treatment (ACT) Foundation, a national charity organization based in Ottawa said that it is mandatory for all universities to implement CPR as part of everyone’s course and that it should not be made a choice for students Supporting detail (c): It has been estimated that nearly 85% of cardiac arrests occur at where families are present and some experts say it is very important to provide CPR training for the elderly, as they are at high risk to finding themselves in situations where they can provide aid. Body Paragraph 3 - Pro argument #3 Topic sentence 3: It takes approximately five minutes for paramedics to arrive; but a person's brain completely switches off in about four minutes after their heart stops beating. Therefore the performance of CPR early combined with the use of an AED, can help increase the survival rate by 70% Supporting detail (a): Help and support using CPR can save lives in a number of situations. For example, CPR management is thought to increase the survival rate of heart attack casualties. Supporting detail

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