Conducting Evidentiarly Sound Interview Essay

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Conducting evidentiarly sound interview/interrogations in the best possible manner is key to a successful outcome. Now prosecutors, judges, and jurors are relying heavily on the evidence submitted and whether the information presented was collected legally. Interviews and interrogations are strongly attacked by defense attorneys in an attempt to get the confessions of their client thrown out. The following is how to defeat that defense and why. First, ensure you have an environment suitable to interview/interrogate someone, free from outside distractions, such as an interview room or a secluded area where disturbances are limited. My preference is for the interview to be recorded both audio and video if possible. Not always is that possible. The reason for the audio and video is to accurately depict the interview/interrogation as it occurred and to be completely transparent. The audio and video recording once played can rule out the defenses argument of their client being treated inhumanly and or lengthy interrogations. Additionally, I want the interview room location to be limited as far as furniture. The minimum of two chairs and a small table is best. Once this step is completed you can…show more content…
The second step is where you bring the subject you are interviewing/interrogating into the interview room. Here, start by building rapport. Getting a person to talk about a crime they were involved in to a complete stranger is a difficult task to do. If the subject feels a connection to the interviewer, the percentage of a possible disclosure raises. While building rapport offer something to eat and drink. This allows for the interviewer to look like a nice person and meets the needs of the interviewee. Last part of the second step is to get the interviewee to talk about the incident whether it confirms their involvement or disproves their involvement. The interviewee should be the primary person

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