Comparison Of 1984 And A Clockwork Orange

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Governmental morality shows both similarities and differences between the novels. In both novels, the governments are seen trying to regulate the thought of the citizens. Implementing the Ludovico Technique is an attempt at irradiating the citizen’s free will: “When a man cannot choose he ceases to be a man” (Burgess 48). If citizens are unable to commit acts of violence, they are unable to provide any resistance against the government. Through the use of thoughtpolice and by controlling the past, the government in 1984 holds uncontested power over the people. The government controls all aspects of time, as shown through the Party’s slogan "'Who controls the past', ran the Party slogan, 'controls the future: who controls the present controls…show more content…
The buildings of both dystopias are rundown, but the buildings in 1984 have a symbolic meaning. Buildings in 1984 are typically made before the reign of Big Brother and are allowed to deteriorate (Phillips 75). The buildings that have been built sense, and some more prominent buildings, such as Big Ben and other monuments, all share the purpose of supporting the government (Phillips 74). Whether they are government buildings, such as one of the departments, or simply methods of propaganda, no credit is given to who truly built the buildings; Winston speaks on this idea by saying "The past was dead, the future was unimaginable” (Orwell 28). Despite these changes, the core of London remains unchanged; these changes are, in essence, “superficial” because they only change the outward appearance of the city (Phillips 74). In 1984, the reader is introduced to two separate social classes, the proles and the party members. Proles are those who have not accepted Big Brother as their leader; they are shown to be poor, illiterate, and incapable of mass action against the government. In theory, the proles are the route to rebellion, as Winston recognizes, but the proles are so far below the status of the party members that they cannot even fathom the idea of a rebellion. The party members are divided into outer party members, such as Winston, who receive their weekly allowances of materials and are subjected to every whim of the Big Brother, and the inner party members who are more involved in the government. A Clockwork Orange presents the reader with social classes based on age: the obedient children, the rebellious youth, and the complacent adults; the comparison and contrasts between the youth and the adults is drawn through Alex and F. Alexander’s differences (Rabinovitz 46); the comparison goes

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