Comparing Authority In Hypermnestra To Lynceus And The Myth

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Supremacy over the masses is one of the fundamental cornerstones of human nature. Ever since the beginning of civilizations, male figures have been the quintessence of authority and power, therefore, leaving women as an allegory for oppression and silence implemented by respective sovereignty personages. Greek memoirs –Ovid’s Heroines’ ”Hypermnestra to Lynceus”, and “Canace to Macareus”, and Edith Hamilton’s “The Myth”- function as epitomes of the restricted role of women in civilizations, and the instances of silence that female gender is typically destined to confront. The epistle “Hypermnestra to Lynceus”, fixates on the role of authority over fairness, and its results in isolationist silence. Hypermnestra embarks her story with the affirmations that, her father has isolated her since she betrayed his prestige by being incapable of committing murder of her husband. Through the utilization of wine as an ironic symbol –wine represents communion and shall bring people together-, since its utilization, along with a sleeping…show more content…
Furthermore, innocence contributes to her –Hypermnestra’s- unsuitability to kill her husband due to her thematic purpose as an allegory to human nature and our ability to care for others, as proven by the quote, “Both nature [human] and my youth have made me kind” (3). As an adjacent apotheosis for the role of men in women’s silence, Jupiter’s use of magic to convert Io to

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