College Admissions Essay: How God Changed My Life

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As I grow older, I sense change in me. Each passing year bring me more difficulty in pinpointing my personality. Sometimes I feel as if a galaxy swirls inside my mind and heart, and that I know only the visible of it and cannot define myself completely. However as a human, definitions do constrain me, and even though I mature every day, I have succeeded in understanding at least several traits God has created within me. Through my many passions, I believe God has given me compassion and creativity to change the world for His glory. Firstly I would call myself people-oriented; a passion to study and to reach out to people dwells in me. This quality may seem surprising, for I have an introverted nature, but perhaps my thoughtfulness and observation has enabled me to understand the need for God's love to people. I long to reach out to people, showing them the compassion that God has shown to me. Also this passion fired up in me more recently when I saw a video online of a young woman in Europe who reached…show more content…
Continually my mind focuses on the future. Dreams, goals, plans, and ideas I want to achieve one day make up the majority of my thinking capacity. However I often find myself worrying needlessly about tomorrow, and I find difficultly in fully surrendering to God's will for my life. Nevertheless having vision gives me a sense of purpose to change the world in one way or another. In my younger days, I saw doing something big as the only way to make a change, but now growing older I realize that small things matter as well. Through my love for people and for creating art which shines truth, I want to create a cascade of individual raindrops which will rain onto the world the goodness and light of God. Thus through my passion for people and for art, I want to expand the kingdom of God in this world broken by

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