Chromium Lab Report

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Slide 4: What is chromium? Well, it is a metallic chemical element with the symbol Cr and atomic number 24. The name actually comes from the word “chromos,” which is Greek for “colour.” It is steely-gray, shiny, hard, but fragile. Slide 5: As you can see, this is chromium. It is the first element that belongs in Group 6 of the periodic table of elements, namely, the transition metals. Slide 6: Now chromium can exist in six valence states, from zero to six, and the numbers represent the number of bonds the atom can make. In the environment, the most common forms are trivalent and hexavalent chromium. Chromite-III or trivalent chromium would be the one used in most mining processes, and it is the most stable of the chromium species. (picture) That is the standard form of Chromium, and as you can see it has 24 protons and 24 electrons. Slide 7: Chromium occurs in many minerals, but nearly all of it is commercially extracted from the single commercially viable ore called chromite, which is the chief source of chromium. Basically, it is the only economic ore of chromium. In addition to that,…show more content…
However, almost all mineral reference guides distinguish it separately from quartz. It is also a very important ornamental jewel. Many of its varieties are carved into beads and are sold as fine yet inexpensive gems. Some of its varieties are agate, chrysoprase, carnelian, tiger's eye, and jasper. Agate is the banded form of chalcedony.Chrysoprase is the apple green variety of chalcedony. Carnelian is the red to amber red translucent variety. Tiger's eye is pseudomorph of chalcedony. It's famous for its chatoyant effect, or the phenomenon to exhibit a concentrated narrow band of reflected light across the center of the mineral. Bloodstone is a dark green to greenish blue variety of chalcedony that has red or brown spots. Finally, jasper is an opaque form that is usually associated with brown, yellow, or reddish

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