Chicken Licken Case Study

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Dare to go where no one else would, take risks with new products and continuously innovating. This is what made Chicken Licken the success it is today. However, it does not end there. As the founder said, there is no time to sit back and let the business run itself, there is still a lot of work to be done. Chicken Licken was founded in 1981 by the founder of the South African Fast Food Fried Chicken restaurant chain, George Sombonos. Unlike any other entrepreneur, George Sombonos grew up in a family which was heavily involved in the Fast food industry. Growing up George helped his father in his store called the Dairy Den where he worked as an assistant and dealt with any matter his father commanded him to do. In 1972, George was sent by his father to go to the United States of America where he spent most of his time learning how the restaurant industry works and tasting different foods and beverages the country had to offer on a daily basis. During his trip he stumbled across a…show more content…
The franchise agreement had stated that no royalties would be charged in the first 6 months and R15 000 worth of stock and equipment would be given. However, this did not make him much profit but because of the brand’s wide existence and growth in townships, he attracted more people who were interested in franchising the restaurant. Overtime, during the apartheid era Chicken Licken developed a good standing reputation especially amongst its black clientele and as a result Chicken Licken was classified as a township brand. Additionally, the company had violated the apartheid legislation while trading as the Dairy Den by serving black people silently in their cars. Business sales began to escalate rapidly as it was evident that colour did not matter to them, they supported equality. This led to Chicken Licken earning the loyalty of millions of

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