Case Study: Neanderthal Museum In Mettmann

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.1 Stop 1: Neanderthal museum in Mettmann Date: 22\8\2015, Saturday Time: 9:37 Am Coordinate: 51.2269° N, 6.9506° E This museum was opened almost 18 years ago the main reason to open this museum in Mettmann is because someone found bone fragment of Neanderthal man in 1856 ,the first thought of which type of animal dose the bones belong to was from a monkey, after a number of research's they found out that it is a human bones at age 40 years, the benefit of studying this bones was to help us know how did they lived and what was their behavior ,their thoughts and the side of religion in their life's, addition to that ,the climate conditions the type of food and what was the ways to get it, it was like getting a full image of how was the life hundred years ago with a help of bones fragment.…show more content…
(Dr.Hoffmann, 2015) Looking carefully on (figure 20) to distinguish between the shape of the Neanderthal and the modern human , the Neanderthal has a big and thick eyebrow and big nose and large front, As for the rest of their body they are shorter than the modern human.(‘strong people’’,n.d,para.1) According to Dr. Hoffmann, the first cities was build in India and Egypt where the water and the food was easy to get , the Neanderthal was the best in hunting and gathering there are much stronger than us, furthermore , most of their tools was made of stones, that’s why the period was named as stone age. 6.2 Stop 2: Hiking in Mutten valley,

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