Bricklin Car Company

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The article Hubris, Nepotism, and Failure: The Bricklin Car Company and the Question of Inevitability by Dimitry Anastakis is a profound one on the story of how one man’s dream goes from potential success to a disastrous failure. This man is known as Malcolm Bricklin. The article is generally about how Bricklin came up with an idea to launch a brand new sports car into the American market. This Canadian government-backed idea, although originally a tremendous success, soon turned out to be one the biggest failure’s in the automotive industry. All to do with the lack of expertise and mismanagement of the company. (Anastakis 25) This article provides a thorough chronological analysis of the Bricklin Car Company from when it was just an idea to…show more content…
(Anastakis 3) Understanding the “cause-and-effect” of such a company would allow us to learn to avoid similar mistakes in the future. Limited to my understanding of the author’s perspective and case, the author considers Malcom Bricklin, the founder of the Bricklin Car Company the most important factor in this article. All of the successes and failures of this venture revolve around him and his characteristics, along with the ever-changing landscape of the automotive industry. In my opinion, the author clearly makes the case as to why the successes and ultimate failure of the company were a result of Bricklin himself. (Anastakis 18) Throughout the article, he links the many events and milestone, whether positive or negative, that the company faced to the actions or qualities of Bricklin. In many cases, the author successfully argues that it is Bricklin’s faults and shortcomings that led the failure of the company. In addition, he also makes the case for why Bricklin’s qualities and personality did not adapt to the fast-changing environment of the automotive industry, as it was changing from a landscape that welcomed entrepreneurs personifying…show more content…
As he mentioned such points, he effectively linked these points to his main arguments which revolved, as mentioned before, around Malcolm Bricklin himself, as well the changing landscape of the automotive industry. However, in my opinion the author over-emphasized some points by repeating similar points to many times. In quite a few points throughout the article it’s mentioned that Bricklin was a great ‘promoter’ but could not effectively manage a car company as well as the fact that he promoted cronyism. (Anastakis 4) These points were mentioned, either directly or indirectly, a couple of times which seemed to me as

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