Boy In The Striped Pajamas Thesis

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The Boy in The Striped Pajamas by John Boyne has a very depressing storyline. Bruno, the nine year old main character, narrates the book. This article will include a summary, author qualifications, and a critique. Throughout the book, John Boyne portrays the clear conscience and the innocence of a child. In The Boy in The Striped Pajamas, a nine year old boy named Bruno lived in a rich house in Berlin, Germany that had many places for Bruno to explore. Bruno’s father was a very important general for the Nazi’s. Bruno’s father’s job got moved to a place that Bruno called “Out-with”. In reality, however, Bruno’s family moved to Poland near the Auschwitz concentration camp. When Bruno’s family moved to Poland, they moved into a smaller house.…show more content…
Bruno’s father made Bruno shave all of this hair to start fresh. Bruno takes advantage of his new short buzz cut and entered the concentration camp with the striped pajamas that Shmuel provided him. Bruno was set to go home back to Berlin, Germany that week and he wanted to spend his last adventure well. However, Bruno ran out of luck and was mistaken for a Jewish boy and he was included in a genocide with Shmuel and many other Jewish boys. Since Bruno never mentioned Shmuel to his family, Bruno was considered missing for many months but in reality, he was…show more content…
His novels were published in 47 different languages. John Boyne studied English Literature at Trinity College, Dublin, and also studied Creative Writing at the University of East Anglia. He got his Curtis Brown prize at the University of East Anglia. One of his first books, The Entertainment Jar, earned the Hennessy Literary Award in Ireland. The Boy in the Striped Pajamas was a New York Times no. 1 best seller that sold over 6 million copies all over the world. This novel also was made into a Miramax feature film. John Boyne was awarded with the Hennessy Literary “Hall of Fame” Award in 2012. He also was awarded with 3 Irish Book Awards, for Children’s Book of the Year, People’s Choice Book of the Year and Short Story of the Year. His most recent novel for young readers is Stay Where You Are and Then Leave. Through The Boy in the Striped Pajamas John Boyne shows no bias opinions. This book is simply about two little boys growing up in different areas and becoming friends. Although Boyne hints that there were harsh conditions, his theme of the book doesn’t dwell on only the Jewish side. It journeys through Bruno’s life and how different it was for Shmuel during the

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