Blue Baby Syndrome Case Study

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Vivian and Alfred's relationship was more than just doctor and lab assistant. They both relied on each other throughout the research of shock and blue baby syndrome. Before Vivian, Alfred was attempting to find out how to avoid suffering from shock. He showed Vivian the ropes and explained his research. He saw that Vivian showed lots of promise and was more to him than any other lab assistant. He looked at Vivian and saw a great potential. He looked at him and saw that he can pick up on things faster than anyone that he knows. When Alfred lost his temper at Vivian, he went out of his way to apoligize to Vivian and begged him to come back. Dr. Blalock turned down a big job in Detroit in order to have Vivian continue to work for him. Together…show more content…
In the theory, it states that there has to be three things to achieve results as a group. The three things are inclusion, control, and affection. Vivian felt very included with the research and was very happy that a doctor like Dr. Blalock would take a chance on a black carpenter. Dr. Blalock knew that the relationship of him and Vivian was very important to him, and he turned down a job to work in Detroit, because they would not accept Vivian. When this team went to John Hopkins, Dr. Blalock knew that Vivian would play a crucial role in the discovery to the surgical cure of blue baby syndrome, so he made sure that Vivian got the raise. This is because he wanted to make sure he and Vivian would continue to do research…show more content…
There was about an even amount of control between these individuals. Vivian would have an idea and Dr. Blalock would try it out and if Dr. Blalock had an idea they used his. Vivian guided Dr. Blalock during the procedure that changed his career. But given the timing of this research, Dr. Blalock would have been expected to have more control because of the color of his skin. Also, Dr. Blalock was in more control by choosing which research projects the group would take on and also controlled who was going to receive the surgery because Vivian could not operate because he was not a doctor and not many white people would want a black lab technician to operate on them. But Vivian and Dr. Blalock shared control in the lab because color did not matter in the eyes of

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