Barnes And Noble Executive Summary

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Applying Information Security and SDLC to Business To make a business grow and become what Barnes and Noble has, the company embraced and explored new technologies to increase the company’s productivity levels. By doing this Barnes and Noble increased their brand recognition company profits. Barnes and Noble looked at all the factors of how to increase productivity by listening to the consumers demands and how to improve on customer experience overall. With this strategy and the help of technology, Barnes and Noble saved itself from being driven out of business. Barnes and Noble Bookstore According to Reference for Business (2015), Barnes and Nobles Bookstore got its first start in the industry, "in 1873, when Charles Montgomery Barnes…show more content…
They want to be competitive with every competitor and to constantly evolve. All of this tied into being great ambassadors in the communities in which they are in. The company has evolved from the traditional bookstore to offering products like E-readers, participating in college book exchanges, and becoming a competitor for online shopping. The company targets a wide variety of clientele, but the most successful of their stores in the college book stores. Many of the stores have been purchased and have the ability to offer many university books less expensive than the smaller bookstores. Much of the younger generation has grown accustomed to performing learning activities on tablets and E-readers and many schools are using the products offered by the company. The website has many different varieties and targets an audience from old to young. This has become the way of the company as many stores have closed as competitors like Amazon have caused a major threat to the…show more content…
There is a detailed search engine that has the ability to search titles, authors, user suggestions. There are many books available at discounted prices and a customer can make the purchase over a secure server. The product can be shipped to home or picked up in the stores. There is much more information on the website that just book titles. A customer can see when a special event is going on in the area to draw customers in the store. There is also a menu for some of the food products offered while a customer stays in the store. All of this information makes the site user friendly and drives a high amount of traffic. Customers can make book suggestion, book/editorial reviews, and even list local events. Even though Barnes and Noble have been known for bookselling, they offer movies and television shows on the website as well. This is available for direct download to the Nook systems they currently have. The website uses several hardware components to enhance the shopping experience and offers protection against user

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