Bank Ba Case Study

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Vision of Bank BCA Bank is the main selection mainstay of the community, which serves as an important pillar of the economy of Indonesia. Mission 1. Build institutions that excel in the field of settlement of payments and financial solutions for business customers and individuals. 2. Understand the diverse needs of customers and provide appropriate financial services to achieve optimal customer satisfaction. 3. Increase the value and stakeholder value BCA franchais Competition Strategy BCA In managing the bank, BCA rests on three priorities, namely to maintain the advantage as a transactional bank customer choice, meyalurkan credit supported by effective risk management system, as well as implement corporate governance in every aspect…show more content…
Focusing on the payment and settlement of transactions through the network investment in the firm while raising base BCA's third party funds. 2. Improving productive assets through favorable loans with effective risk management. 3. Implement governance and prudential principles in every aspect of the business. Although it seems very simple, this strategy proved very effective in the periods in which the banking industry must adapt to changes - structural changes that follow the cycle. This strategy remain relevant when the bank is required to adjust to the various regulatory changes. In addition, BCA has defined and publish standards and ethical values contained in the code of conduct banker BCA that includes: a) Compliance, adherence to laws - laws and regulations, as well as systems and procedures have been established bank. b) Integrity, not abuse of office and authority for the benefit of individuals and families, maintain the good name, wealth bank security, the confidentiality of customer data and the data bank. Keeping the behavior so that personal interests do not conflict with the interests of the customer or the bank. c) Ethics, not to do anything tercela.Keharmonisan working environment, maintaining and fostering harmonious working environment and fair…show more content…
BCA developed an approach to total customer relationship for the convenience of business customers and individuals. The advantages of networks owned BCA gives more time for BCA staff to be more proactive and oriented to meet the needs of customers. With the approach of total customer relationship, BCA help meet customers' requirements both as individuals and

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