Aztec And Taoism: A Social Analysis

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The relationship between religion and society is significant. This is because the main components of religion provides “a compass” for all aspects of life. This is particularly evident for the ancient religions of Aztec and Taoism, as these religions act as “a compass” to provide guidance and direction in the everyday life of adherents in ancient societies. The first component of religion is the principal beliefs including the beliefs about origins of the universe. The principal beliefs are the teachings of the ancient religion which also explain the way in which the universe was created. Sacrifice is the core belief of the Aztecs, because they believed it was necessary to appease the many gods. In return the gods would sustain the Aztecs.…show more content…
The Aztecs provided an unique search for meaning by integrating the lives of the gods with the lives of humans. The sacrifices of blood expressed ideas of mutualism. One species lives and provides for another and in doing so dies, so the second species can continue the cycle. In some cases each species is dependent on the other. For the Aztec people they applied this same method to their relationship with the gods. They believed that they kept the gods alive by their blood and that the gods kept them alive by supplying rain and good harvests. This was seen as a small price to pay for societal survival (Class notes, 2015). By following the Taoist way of life, an individual leaves behind their assertive ego and fascination with the ‘ten thousand things’ of the phenomenal world. In doing this the individual is able to elevate themselves to become one with the eternal Tao; but it cannot be personified (Textbook). Lao Tzu is one of the most iconic people that influence Taoist followers. He uses his life stories to promote wellbeing and the goodness of the religion. He taught that in order to be spiritually fulfilled, one must live in harmony with the Tao ( Taoism promotes the forming of bonds between the individual and their god, this offers them the opportunity to discover their true identity (Textbook). Once an individual finds the Tao, they are assured to live as a peaceful being on this earth and live a long, calm life

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