Ashley Lancaster: A Short Story

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Sitting there on a Monday morning her first day of senior year. It was eight in the morning, her eyes were slowly waking up. She was wearing red skinny jeans with a black ACDC shirt. Blonde hair, black eye shadow, and a pair of black toms to hold the outfit together. Jamming out to Hollywood Undead as the teacher walked through the door. Anyone in their right mind would have steered clear of this depressing looking creature. Though this girl is not what people expect her to be at the very least. Her name is Ashley Lancaster. She has grown up in Lubbock, Texas. She is a Texas girl at heart. Her closet is filled with everything country, especially shirts with the word Texas on them. She loves country music, country styled boots, country food,…show more content…
She wears batman everything. Her socks, especially are always covered with batman logos, and makes sure everyone at school sees them. Her bedroom is covered in yellow, even her bedroom door is yellow. She loves to celebrate the holiday season. She loves the feeling of family coming together if it is only for just a few days. Halloween is her favorite holiday, and takes great pride in dressing up and celebrating each year. She has been in the color guard in her high school since her freshman year of high school. She was one of the best rifles the color guard ever had, and she also played the flute in the band. She loved football season, but it wasn’t just the sport, it was the band and everything that had to do with the season. The band is like a second family to her. She has made lots of close friends in band and color guard. Ashley is passionate about the smallest things. Ashley finds positivity in the smallest moments. She is one of the most incredible writers. The way her words flow on paper, show how passionate she is for whatever she may be writing at the time being. She is always buried in a book somewhere. She is the most excited, with a huge smile on her face after buying a new

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