Armand's Search For Identity In Baby Blues, By Kate Chopin

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Baby Blues In a time where social class was determined by the color of skin, and the amount of money in one’s bank account, interracial dating was not seen. “Désirées” Baby, was written in the late 1800s and the setting was in the South, which was a place where slavery existed. With slavery comes prejudice, which was showcased through the character of Armand in Désirées Baby. Armand loved his wife and his baby until the baby turned about three months old and his skin color began to change. Armand was so repulsed by his wife and child that, “he absented himself from home; and when there, avoided her presence and that of her child” (Chopin 1). However when Armand decisively discovers that it was his mixed parentage that produced their mixed child, sadly it was too late for Désirées palliation. As the story begins it talks about Désirées background and where she was found. According to Chopin, Désirée was found, “…lying asleep in the shadow of the big stone pillar” (Pg1). Which symbolizes that no one really knew where she was from, who she belonged to, or who her parents were. This was also the…show more content…
“Moreover he no longer loved her, because of the unconscious injury she had brought upon his home and his name” (Chopin 3). But he could not face Désirée and their child because it reminded him of who he truly was. Armand’s hatred or dislike towards the slaves was shown when, Désirées says, “He hasn’t punished one of them – not one of them – since baby is born” (Chopin 2). Throughout the story the author shows symbolism and hints towards Armand’s race. When Désirée is sitting in her room with her baby, she notices how much the little servant boy resembles her child; a little frightened by her discovery. This perhaps was another reason why Armand was so ashamed of his wife and

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