Apollo And Hermes Research Paper

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The birth of Apollo and Hermes look very different. When Leto was pregnant with Apollo, Hera threatened the land in order to punish Leto for her relationship with Zeus. Also the land was scared to have Apollo be born on it due to the fear that Apollo would be so great a god. Thus Leto had nowhere to give birth to Apollo and, to a lesser extent, Artemis. However, the island of Delphi, which being an island does not technically count as land, was able to have Leto give birth on it with the conditions that Apollo would bless the island rather than destroy it for being so uninhabitable and ugly. When Apollo is finally born, he is nursed by having ambrosia rubbed on his skin. He then quickly jumps up, matures into young adult, and selects his symbols to solidify his position as an important deity.…show more content…
Maia, his mother, gave birth to him in a cave. This chthonic association already gives him much more of a relationship with the earth and feminine qualities, which may indicate that Apollo is in fact more powerful. He also remains a babe rather than maturing immediately as Apollo did. However, he is still a god, and he quickly commits great feats, such as creating the lyre, and stealing Apollo’s cattle and disguising the fact by making the cattle walk backwards and wearing special sandals. The stealing of Apollo’s cattle brings into account the inherent cleverness, guile and trickery that play such a large role in Hermes’ character. He is even able to sneak back into his mother’s cave though it is locked. During his encounter with Apollo who seeks his cattle, he displays his cunning once more by referring to himself as a “child born yesterday” to emphasize the impossibility that he would be able to steal Apollo’s

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