Annotated Bibliography: Dissociative Identity Disorder

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This annotated bibliography highlights the journal articles about mental problem. I focused my research in the Dissociative Identity Disorder. This annotated bibliography also meant to show how the problem can ensure to human life. As a human being, of course we have the mental problem. But in case how worst our mental problem can change to a seriously mental problem which leads to the emergence of various other personalities in one body or soul. Entry #1 Richard P. Kluft. (1996). Dissociative Disorder Program, The Institute of Pensylvania Hospital, Philadelphia, USA. Dissociative Identity Disorder, 2(16), 377-340. Summary Entry #2 Collin A, Ross. (2006). Current Psychosis and Therapeutics Report. Dissociative Identity Disorder,…show more content…
The research put the focus on the relationship between trauma, dissociation and psychosis. Because the topic has been studied in the dissociative disorders field for several years. But only recently has the role of dissociation in psychosis been a topic research by investigation outside the dissociative disorder field. This journal held an interview with several people who has diagnoses Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID) and found that the relationship among trauma and Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID). Trauma usually occurs because of sexual abuse in childhood. From the interview, 37 people feel physical and/or sexual abuse in childhood and other patient denied such…show more content…
Ellason., Collin A, Ross., & Dayna L.Fuchs.(1997) Dissociative Identity Disorder. Two-Year Follow-Up of Inpatients with Dissociative Identity Disorder, 3(5), 832-839. Summary This article discussed about the patient of Dissociative Identity Disorder and do the interview to know the cause of Dissociative Identity Disorder in the patient. The article claims that clinical research has begun to track the treatment progress of patient with Dissociative Identity Disorder or DID. He claims that these patients have shown necessary improvement in depression and anxiety, impulsivity and addictive behavior, psychotic symptoms, interpersonal activities and day to day functioning between small patient group. The article used the method such as determine the subject, the procedure and analysis data to get the result. The purpose of present this investigation is to make the long-term treatment progress, through symptom measure and following hospitalization in large inpatient of patient with Dissociative Identity Disorder. The result of the interview found that, although preliminary, provide empirical validation of previous clinical impressions that patients with dissociative identity disorder may respond well to treatment. Entry

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