Annette Lareau's Unequal Childhoods

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Both of the families depicted in part II of Annette Lareau’s ‘Unequal Childhoods’ were Black families, but their children’s experiences were much different. Unequal Childhood’s part two was dedicated to language usage between the children and their families. This provides the largest contrast between the observation of the two boys. The middle class child, Alexander Williams, is encouraged to debate with his parents and other adults to gain valuable negotiation and communication skills. They engage him in discussions that reinforce his belief that he is a worthy conversation partner. They teach him to speak up to authorities, such as doctors, to have his voice and opinions heard. On the other hand, Harold McAllister, is quiet when speaking…show more content…
Alexander is constantly busy with events such as choir, theater, soccer, and Sunday school. His parents, especially his mother, go out of their way to ensure that he make it to as many practices and activities that it possible, even if it requires sacrifice on their part. They hold the view that these events are imperative to his success as an adult. In contrast, Harold participates in no after-school activities whatsoever. His mom does not have time or a car to transport him to activities, so he plays around the house and neighborhood with his cousins and neighborhood children (Lareau 2011). This independence and lack of structure may prove harmful to Harold’s future career if he is in a position with a high degree of supervision or rigid hours. If he grew up being able to do whatever he wanted whene he wanted, he may face a problem in a career when his boss wants him to do something a certain way and at a certain time. I understand that Ms. McAllister is unable to financially assist Harold in extracurricular activities, but I feel as if a community structured after-school activity would be beneficial for the children in his lower-income

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