Analyzing Lang Leav's Poem 'Three Questions'

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Love is like a rose. Although the stems are filled with vile thorns, the beauty of the flower is indescribable with words. Like a rose, it looks attractive and stunning; however, by looking closer and examining it thoroughly, one will discover that it comes with pricks of sorrow that will weaken. In the poem Three Questions, the author Lang Leav describes the power and weakness love has through the usage of imagery, emotional language, and syntax. Leav vividly creates imagery to transcend a world of love. Through Leav’s use of metaphors, the poem reflects on the feelings one may have when going through joyful or painful times. One can assume that the person is a girl experiencing all the aspects of love: being in love, being loved back, and being heartbroken. She compares what it’s like for the girl to love a guy with the feeling of being rejuvenated, such as “being exhumed” and “brought back to life” (2,3). In the manner of “being seen after a perpetual darkness” as well as “to be heard after a lifetime of silence,” Leav also compares what it’s like to be loved in return with the feeling of relief (5,6). This depicts how he was her way of escaping her feeling of irrelevance, how she finally felt noticed and alive…show more content…
The usefulness of interrogative sentences is what starts the first three stanzas of Leav’s poem. “What was it like to love him?”, “What was it like to be loved in return?”, and finally “What was it like to lose him?” (1,4,7). The repetition of a question at the beginning of each stanza emphasizes the emotion that the girl goes through in the journey of love to sorrow. The long pause added to the last two stanzas incorporates a dramatic effect and suspense to the poem, giving goose bumps down the spine. This sentence structure connects to how the girl writes about being in love and it being such a powerful thing, though also be so delicate when it comes to

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