Analysis: The Parachute Teenagers

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Completed 1st paragraph: Setting an example for other students coming to live in the U.S for a better living, and having no justification for the actions performed on Yiran Liu I believe that the defendants deserved the punishment they received. Insuring the safety of The “Parachute” Teenagers, extreme measure of parental guidance and control should be accommodated catering to the student’s conductivity and well-being. Having the right parental guidance or supervision, the idea of certain behaviors would become misunderstood and unknowing to the young “Parachute” Teenagers. Steering away from problems of improper acts of unlawful behavior, the understanding of conducting a proper way of living will create greatness and acts of unlawful behavior…show more content…
In the article Chang and Shyong reported that, “While some parachute kids are wealthy, the parents of...” (Page 3). the fact that the parents would even go as far as to scrape together the little money that they had left to send their children to get a better education to me shows that their children are ungrateful and don’t care about the situation in which their parents went through. in the article the number of students that came to attend American high schools increased and that’s all because the parents , “ thought They Would get the best education”(deng). As an young teenager myself, I can’t necessarily apply myself to the “parachute” teenagers because if I knew the struggle that my parents were going through in order to give me a better life, I would never act up the way they did. But, as a teenager I fully understand that we act out and do things we know we should not do, just because we think it’s ok. But, in the case of these “parachute” kids what they did was cruel and disregarding, making them seem ungrateful at the fact that they have an opportunity at a better way of living regardless of being rich or…show more content…
Having my own opinion, I believe that the defendants got the punishment that they deserved, the only thing I would specifically want to see happen is that the defendants be sent back to their own homelands and no longer have an opportunity to come back to the U.S because there is no justification for the actions they performed in the assault of Yiran Liu. However, I think that this case sets an example for everyone else who comes to live in the U.S for a better living. The article clearly states that , “the number of students attending American high schools on F 1 visas has increased from about 1,700 in 2009 to more than 80,000 in 2014” ( Chang and Shyong). Due to the high production of people coming to America in order to attend school many people were set to believe that, “[The “parachute” teenagers] suffer loneliness… so they bond with other kids in the small Chinese circles with no supervision, [and] no one to turn to for assistance.” (Page 2, Rayford Fountain). Believing that these kids “suffer Loneliness” in my opinion is crap, as a teenager I know when I’m away from my family doing something productive and them allowing me time to

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