An Elegy Of Someone Who Changed My Life Essay

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An Elegy Of I.J. (An Elegy Of Someone Who Changed My Life) We all go through our lives by being impacted by someone who meant something to us. Some of which impacted our lives so greatly that we will never forget them, even after they're gone. Whether this person is someone that is famous or a loved one who lived their life and left an impact on us. As I go through life, I will forever be impacted by my great grandpa, Ignatius John Frank. Not only was he a loving great grandpa to me, he impacted my life in many ways by being a fighter, a hard worker, and also taught me many life lessons that I will never forget. My great grandpa left an impact on me after he died because he was a fighter. He served in World War II on the U.S. Navy, aboard the USS Massachusetts. He served in the war for many years before settling down. He’s a fighter to me because he served our country, and put his life at risk so that we could have freedom. World War II was a very intense war, and to say that my great grandpa served in that war is something to be proud of. He was also a fighter to me because he died at the age of 97, and the last years of his life are when he probably fought the hardest. He went through many surgeries and continued to fight till his very last breath. Not even after they amputated his leg did he think twice about giving up, he lived for almost a year after. That’s what fighters do, they never think about giving up. My grandpa lived for 97…show more content…
That person for me is my great grandpa who impacted my life in many ways, by being a fighter, a hard worker, and also taught me many life lessons that I will never forget. Being impacted by someone in our life can change our lives for the best in many ways. My great grandpa, Ignatius John Frank impacted my life so greatly, that I know I will never forget

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