Adam's Sin Dbq

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1. How were Adam and Eve able to be tempted to sin when they were good (no prior sin or twisted desires; don’t blame Satan for it, since angels were tempted without prior sin)? -I think Adam and Eve thought they could really be like God. They thought their bodies, looks, and physical features were not good enough so they thought eating the apple could fix their hopes of becoming more like God. 2. What are the far-reaching consequences of Adam’s sin? -Adam’s relationship from God is cut off. Man is separated from Himself. Adam and Eve are guilty because they hide from God. There is an increase in women’s pain in childbirth and separation from body and soul. Finally, Man is separated from nature. Adam and Eve are expelled from the Garden of Eden. They struggle for survival such as nature paying the price for clothing. 3. Is every human being a sinner because each one sins, or does each one sin because all are born sinners? Explain. Use biblical evidence to support your answer. -The Bible says we are born sinners. Psalm 51:5 says, “Surely I was sinful at birth, sinful from the time my mother conceived me.” Romans 5:12 says, “Therefore, just as sin entered the world through one man, and death through sin, and in this way death came to all people, because all sinned.” We are all born spiritually dead…show more content…
Describe the power of sin in relation to personal choice. -Sin is a personal choice. Sin is the choice of the person who commits it. We make choices and sometimes the choice we make is not the correct choice. We sin due to some choices we make. Personal choices could be because of pleasure, peer pressure, not thinking before we make a choice, having to make a decision quickly, etc. We have to take time and ask God whether our choice is going to please God. We cannot let sin because of the choices we make control our lives. We have to trust in God. 6. What is the meaning of the biblical statements that people were “slaves of sin” and “dead in

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