25 Preterm Infants

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 The study was perform on 72 full-term and 25 preterm infants  Full-term infants were born at or later than 37 weeks and weighed more than 2,500 grams  The mothers pick from a list of songs and recorded them, accompanied by the Cevasco on guitar  The songs included: lullabies, popular songs, children’s songs, and personalized Brahms’s Lullaby  The mothers could use the CD in any way they wanted  The full-term mothers took the CD home and had no more contact with the researchers until a phone survey  The researcher also played a copy CD to the preterm infants while they were hospitalized  The CD was played for the infants 20 minutes a day 3-5 days a week  Most of the mothers completed a phone survey 14-25 days after the infant’s discharge  The survey had questions from the…show more content…
Cevasco (2008) to see the result of a mother’s singing on full-term and preterm infants and the maternal emotional response. Seventy-two full-term infants and their mothers were divided into a control and experimental groups. These infants were born at or later than thirty-seven gestational weeks and weighed more than 2,500 grams. Twenty-five preterm infants and twenty-one mothers were also separated into the two groups. Four mothers had twins. The preterm infants were all born under thirty-seven weeks, weigh less than 2,500 grams, and were hospitalized at a Level II. The researcher had

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