12 O Clock High Essay

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The movie, Twelve O’ Clock High, is a classic 1949 film written about the US Army’s Eight Division Air-force group, whom performed day-light bombing missions against Germany in the second world war. In the beginning of the film, we first meet a man, who we eventually determine to be Harvey Stovall. While on vacation in the country of Great Britain, he spots a familiar item on a store window, called a “Toby Jug”. When he inquires about the item, he is told it is from Archbury, and happens to be from the US Air Force division where Stovall was stationed and served in the 918th bomber group of the eighth division. Stovall then buys the jug, and, while on vacation, travels back to his station in Archbury. He arrives to find an open pasture with the remains of his station. Then, through his memories, we flash back to the year 1942, and learn exactly how a once-failing group becomes a success. The key person we meet of the 918th bombing group is General Keith Davenport, who is the group’s leader. Quickly, we learn that his group has been failing, and has been unsuccessful in several bombing missions.…show more content…
While he still focuses on the tasks and his groups’ missions and objectives, he continues to work alongside his men and work with them. In an interesting turn of events, Keith Davenport returns briefly. When he encounters Frank, whom took over his position as group commander, he stresses to him the same thing that happened to him; to not become attached to his group members as he did. At one point, Pritchard even tries to get Savage to return to his staff, and also stresses to Frank that he is turning into Keith and is becoming too attached. While Frank listens to Pritchard, he ensures him that the group will still not be successful without Savage as the leader, and reasons with Pritchard to keep him in charge, which Savage

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