Essay On Dry Hair

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10 Dry Hair Home Remedies That Actually Works One of the most annoying things ever is dry hair! It always seem impossible to treat and some of us just cut our hair losing hope that it’ll ever be soft again. However, there are several home remedies that I wish I knew earlier to treat dry hair. All we have to do is think outside the box and our hair will be soft and healthy again. Our hair needs to be taken good care of on a daily basis! Our optimal goal is to regain our hair’s beauty and strength. Here Are 10 Effective Home Remedies To Treat Dry Hair: I’ve decided to tell you the 10 remedies that I personally found effective and helped me regain my hair’s beauty. 1. Egg Whites There are other uses to eggs other than making a nice nutritious…show more content…
4. Apple Cider Vinegar Generally, apple cider vinegar is known for its amazing hair conditioning benefits and it's time you used it to your advantage. It's one of the most popular home remedies for dry hair and one of the cheapest, too. It's packed with minerals, antioxidants, vitamins, and nutrients that will make your hair look amazing. If you have dandruff this will be the perfect remedy for dry hair and dandruff together. You just need to prepare a natural hair rinse by mixing half a cup of apple cider vinegar and 5 cups of water. After you shampoo your hair, rinse your hair with it and don't wash it off. This is the most powerful natural hair rinse you'll ever come across. 5. Yogurt Yogurt makes a wonderful breakfast, dinner or even a snack, but it also makes an amazing hair conditioner! Buy organic yogurt which makes a wonderful hair moisturizer for dry hair and makes your hair glow and shine. Basically, yogurt is full of protein, which is what your dry hair is in desperate need of right now. Moreover, you can add honey and apple cider vinegar to make it a triple conditioner. Leave this powerful mix in your hair for 30 minutes, and then wash it with

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