Essay On Nonviolent Resistance

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Non-violent resistance against the Soviet regime In the 20th century nonviolent resistance has been widely used in various conflicts. This type of fighting was applied in the fight for national independence, economic independence, the fight against genocide, dictatorships, to respect human rights, end segregation and to resist foreign occupation and upheavals. In 1991, non-violent resistance led to the fall of the communist dictatorship in Czechoslovakia, East Germany, Estonia, Latvian and Lithuania. Coup attempt in Russia in August 1991 failed because people did not concede and refused to cooperate. Unlike Russia, where dissidents’ main objective considered being the struggle for human rights, the main aim of Latvian dissidents was the fight…show more content…
My belief is that it is a reasonable method as such, but leaders should always consider possible outcome, including people involved. Strategy of actions should be the priority. At the end of 1989 people of the Baltic region have shown surprisingly strong resistance to the dictatorial regimes mainly by non-violent means. The Democratic Revolutions in 1989 and 1990 reached several countries and liberation of millions of humans was gain by use of their own force. It required less human victims and less damage than if it had been achieved as a result of armed uprising. These non-violent resistances (revolutions) are of great importance in history of national liberation and protection of humans all over the world. This non-violent resistance (the revolutions) cannot be explained, as some have tried, just as the consequences of the United States and NATO military and economic pressure on the USSR. Or by the fact that M.S.Gorbachev began to reign in the Kremlin and offered a new program of changes within USSR (called - perestroika), and definitely it was not a new incarnation of Stalin's tyranny (Arāja,
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