Who Is The Villain In Richard's Soliloquy

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When Richard's soliloquy says that he is the villain in his soliloquy, he means that he will develop a sinister plan to eliminate his brothers so that he can become the king. Richard is fully aware of the consequences of his actions and tricks people into believing that he is sorry for what he did to his brothers. Richard uses deceit to trick people into locking Clarence into the tower and to try and overthrow King Edward. "By drunken prophets, libels, and dreams, to set my brother Clarence and the King in deadly hate, the one against the other; and if King Edward be as true and just as I am subtle, false, and treacherous, this day should Clarence closely be mewed up about a prophecy which says that 'G' of Edward's heirs the murderer shall be" (Richard III 1.…show more content…
Richard already knows that Edward's death imminent because he is gravely ill and in bed during the whole play. Richard convinces Edward that Clarence killed his children which gets Clarence locked up in the tower even though Richard actually did. Richard's deception leads to the death of his brother Clarence, and Richard does not feel guilty for the consequences of his actions even though the rest of the kingdom is deeply troubled Shamas 2 by this loss, and Clarence's children are now orphaned. Edward gathers all of the people in the kingdom around him and says, "I everyday expect an embassage from my Redeemer to redeem me hence, and more (in) peace my soul shall part to heaven since I have made my friends at peace on earth. (Rivers and Hastings,) take each other's hand. Dissemble not your hatred. Swear your love" (Richard III 2. 1. 3-8). Edward realizes his impending death so he asks everyone in the kingdom must get along to avoid any any battle or wars fought with each other. Since Richard knows that Edward will die on his own, he decides to leave him alone and let him die. Another reason that Richard does not kill Edward is because if he does then

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