White Paper Policy Dbq

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The British announced the White Paper policy in the hope to regain Arab support; this policy would limit the Jewish immigration, they also promised Arab Independence in ten years. The Arabs were content with this policy however the Zionists saw this as a betrayal of the Belfour declaration and were not pleased, the 1939 White Paper was the end of the British-Zionist alliance. After the Second World War the hostilities between the Arabs and the Jews escalated over the fate of Palestine with regards to the Zionist militias and the British army. Britain handed Palestine over to the United Nations who formed a committee to discuss the future of Palestine. The committee concluded that Palestine should be divided into two states one being Arab and…show more content…
By April 1948, the Zionists had secured control over many areas that had been allocated to the Jewish state. The surrounding Arab states invaded Israel claiming that they wanted to assist Palestine from the war against the Zionists. The war ended in 1949 after many armistice agreements2. as a result of the continuous fighting there were many Palestinians who became refugees, the reason for their expulsion is unknown as there are debates whether it was because of the Zionists or orders from the Arab leaders. Today, more than 1.4 million Palestinians live in Israel, while others live in the West Bank or the Gaza strip or in diaspora. After 1949 the conflict continued between the Arabs and the Zionist Jews. The sense of crisis was increased by the arms race3 as many countries were preparing for the chance of a future war. In 1967 the Soviet Union informed the Syrian government that the Israeli forces were planning an attack on Syria, which was not true as Israel had no intention to do so but due to the clashes between Israel and Syria for the past year the Syrian forces took this information very

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