Thermopylae: Spartans V. Persians

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The sun was high above Thermopylae, between the Kallídhromon massif and the Gulf of Maliakós, and our force of three hundred spartans was preparing for their slaughter, “...narrow pass on the east coast of central Greece between the Kallídhromon massif and the Gulf of Maliakós...” (Thermopylae). The group of 300 hoplites remained shockingly calm before the battle, exercising and grooming, “...the 300 Spartans were combing their hair and exercising...” (The Battle of Thermopylae: Spartans v. Persians 4), but speaking for myself I was absolutely terrified. I imagine all the others were hiding their terror just as I was. We all prided ourselves on our bravery, and this coming battle would be the greatest and likely final test of our bravery. Our king Leonidas, would lead us into battle joining the fight himself, and the opposing side was being led by persian king Xerxes, “...Spartans under their king, Leonidas... ...Persian king Xerxes...” (The Battle of Thermopylae: Spartans v. Persians 2, 3).…show more content…
As Sparta’s war record was unmatched by all other greek city-states, we were chosen to be the first line of defense, “...and about 6000 soldiers from other Greek cities... These cities agreed that Sparta would lead the Greek army, as her reputation in war was unmatched by any other Greek state” (The Battle of Thermopylae: Spartans v. Persians 2, 3). I suppose this provided a little amount of comfort, but from Xerxes we were expecting about 100,000 soldiers , “They faced a Persian army of perhaps 100,000 men” (The Battle of Thermopylae: Spartans v. Persians 3). However the coming battle, would be an incredible surprise to everyone on the

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