Swot Analysis For Tim Horton

353 Words2 Pages
Tim Horton offers a good range of taste by offering excellent coffee, cappuccino, sandwiches and Food. Tim Horton expansion globally .At first Tim Horton only two types of coffee and cake types of offers. Tim Horton now offers many varieties such as cakes, cookies, pies, croissants, and soups. For breakfast they also offer sandwiches and soup. They’ve also came a new yogurt with berries, Tim Horton is known for its bread basis. Tim Horton has developed a new trend of coffee place to relax. Tim Horton is located in many places apart from the normal position of the new restaurant alone. It is also found in shopping malls and ports, highways; they also offer 24-hour drive through the Service. Strategic Tim Horton that need to be followed when

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