Summary Of The Shame Of The Nation By Jonathan Kozol

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Jonathan Kozol faces the idea that the United States claimed that racial desegregation occurred in the 1960s, but still knows from personal experience that it hasn’t changed much at all, and it is at an all-time worse during this era than any time before, he carefully explains this in his novel, The Shame of the Nation: The Restoration of Apartheid Schooling in America. In this novel, Kozol explains that he worked in segregated school environments for many years, and talked about his experiences and changes that could improve the environment and quality of education in these schools. Within the novel, he inputs many quotes from the schoolchildren about their opinions of the schools, one of these children explain their opinion of the school, “I see dirty boards and I see papers on the floor. I see an old browken window with a sign on it saying, Do not unlock this window are browken” (Kozol 162). Toward the end of the novel, Kozol begins to explore the American government system, focusing on the legislative and executive branches, and expresses his outrage that the government over the past 28 years has further segregated than desegregated American schools.…show more content…
The basic curriculum and education system is a big problem in not-so-wealthy districts, the children do not learn general subjects, and are instead tested first and then assigned into subjects based on they graded worse in. He later on begins to explain that “there is a new emboldenment among the relatively privileged to isolate their children as completely as they can from more than token numbers of the children of minorities” (Kozol 135), and as a result white and black people in cities such as New York have created a strong break between the two

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