Statute Of Westminster Case Study

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Monarch = 14 Britain Define: The head of the state, especially a king, queen, or emperor. Role: No active role, figurehead for Canada, Formal head of state in Canada Location: Britain Current Holder: Britain’s queen, Elizabeth II Importance: On December 11, 1931, the British government passed a law called the Statute of Westminster. The Statute of Westminster clarified the powers of Canada’s government, and granted the Canadian government full legal freedom. During World War I, Canadian troops gained a reputation of being effective, and menacing because of their amazing victory in the Battle of Vimy Ridge. Furthermore, Canada emerged as a promising and independant nation, separate from Britain. Ever since, the British monarchy has been…show more content…
The Battle of Vimy Ridge further validated that notion. Britain only has a celebratory relationship with Canada, and has no influence on our decisions.Thus, the Governor General is not a vital part of the Canadian Parliament. The governor general’s royal assent is merely a formality, and has little to no influence on the passage of the bill. To conclude, the governor general is a dispensable member of the Canadian Parliament. Other: The Stanley Cup was a gift from Canada’s sixth Governor General, Baron Stanley of Preston. Executive Branch = 2 House of Commons Define: a part of the government, includes the Queen(represented by governor general), prime minister and the cabinet Role: The executive branch approves, applies, and implements all federal laws created by the legislative branch Current Holder: Queen is Elizabeth II, governor general is David Johnston, and the prime minister is Stephen harper Importance: The executive branch is a vital part of our government. The legislative branch passes laws. However, the executive branch makes sure they are applied. Without the executive branch, the legislative branch’s decisions would be…show more content…
A couple of MP's may sit as independents who don't have any party responsibilities. Members of parliament also keep up a reputation in their ridings and join in local events and official functions there. While it is cabinet ministers who influence laws through debates in the House of Commons, MP's can also also present laws of their own called "private member bills," however the bill isn’t usually passed. Members of parliament can influence policies by taking an interest in House of Commons committees which review national government department activities and spendings, as well as laws. Members of parliament in opposition parties utilize the everyday Question Period within the House of Commons to raise issues of concern and bring them to the attention of the important public.Members of parliament have two offices - one on Parliament Hill in Ottawa and one in their riding. Member of parliaments create laws for the peace, order, and good government of all

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